Friday, October 29, 2010

緊縮財務政策與寬鬆財務政策(Contractionary Fiscal Policy vs Expansionary Fiscal Policy )(PART I)

首先,先了解何謂財務政策(Fiscal Policy)?財務政策即為政府的行政預算開銷及收入政策。在此政策下,政府可以通過增加行政開銷或縮減開銷(Government Expenditure)作爲調整國内經濟熱度的機制。那麽另外的手段呢也包括稅務徵收政策(Taxation) 或者政府發展投資項目 (Government Investment) 來影響國内經濟。

此政策最大的弊病在於其無法在短期内看到顯赫的效果,會出現實行空窗期(Operational Lag),也即是推展到實行期間需要時間實行而可能影響到此政策的有效性。此問題的衍生來自財務政策需要經過法定途徑來推行,即通過國務院/國家議會通過,而這些途徑是需要一些時間來通過。效率斷層(Efficiency Lag) 也是其中一個問題,無法有效的斷定需要增加或者縮減多少開銷來達到有效率的促進方案。

另外,追根究底的是此政策與貨幣政策(monetary policy) 相比下很大層面上包含了很多的政治考量,較爲不中立。財務政策的推行很大程度上在於執政的政府的政治方向與執政方針,我們稱之爲左派與右派政府。左派為較爲保守與實行小政府或稱爲少量政府干涉市場行爲政策(Less Government Interruption Policy);右派則為大政府執政方式(Big Government),主張政府更多的牽涉在市場上讓經濟更加活絡。


英國保守黨在1980年代執政時推展的私有化政策及提高稅務徵收都是很明晰的保守及小政府政策。在鉄娘子首相-馬格列塔撤 (Margaret Thatcher) 的帶領下,通過私有化很多政府機構如水電氣局及鐵路局等,減少政府津貼及提高稅務,成功扭轉英國長期的赤字及減低高企的失業率。其雷厲風行的行爲讓其得鉄娘子的封號。

美國民主黨的大政府政策其實可以追溯至每一任民主黨總統任期的時候。其中近期最成功的例子可推崇即為1992-2000時期的總統比爾克林頓 (Bill Clinton) 。其在在任期時推行的大政府策略成功讓美國經濟活絡並且保持著政府財政營收在盈利。


在經濟學上,最大的特點在於面對同樣的難題,可以有千百种解決方案。但是最終只有兩种答案,即成功或失敗。而在於這問題上經濟學基本分爲兩個派系新傳統學派 (Neoclassical School) 的政府不干預自由市場定位與 凱恩斯學派 (Keynesian School) 政府干預活絡市場定位。




Friday, October 15, 2010


Following are the highlights of 2011 Budget tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who is also Finance Minister, at the Dewan Rakyat today:

* A mixed development project including affordable houses to be developed at a cost of RM10 billion in Sungai Buloh and is expected to be completed by 2025.
配合政府經濟轉型計劃中慾發展雙溪毛糯橡膠研究院3000多公頃的膠園。爲了實現居者有屋的目的,卻是值得鼓勵,而在Greater KL計劃下的捷運也囊括在服務範圍内,確實配合到居住與交通設施相容的好計劃,值得讚賞!發展計劃卻交由政府投資臂膀執行卻讓人懷疑有朋黨裙帶關係。應該將部分計劃交由私人界公開競投、策劃與執行,以提升計劃商業價值,間接提升民生水準與私人界競爭能力。最重要的是能保留特定面積的綠肺,提高生活素質。

* Another landmark project "Warisan Merdeka" which includes a 100-storey tower, the tallest in Malaysia, at a cost of RM5 billion to be completed by 2015

這計劃最令人詬病的。需不需要再花費50億進行政治正名工程呢?那麽快就要張顯政績?馬哈迪也不過是掌權後期才推行如此龐大的政績工程來正名。何況這“默迪卡遺跡”推測將在吉隆坡黃金地帶默迪卡廣場範圍推行。此計劃將會將默迪卡廣場--即Stadium Merdeka給重建。此遺跡將隨發展洪流而淹沒在歷史的海洋中。第二個Dataran Pahlawan,面目全非。值得醒思如此的工程相比于歷史文化,何者來得重要?雖然歷史已成過去,但是這地方是讓後代們永遠記得歷史的真相,各族如何團結爭取獨立與獨立的重要意義。50億作爲一筆基金來維修該Stadium與設置博物院其實已綽綽有餘。該基金甚至能作爲推廣各族文化,推動歷史還原與保存運動及提升各地博物院的經濟來源。這不是比所謂的1Malaysia計劃來的實際?相信此計劃將胎死腹中,死灰復燃的機會將在大選后,如果還是納先生~~

* Development of large-scale integrated Aquaculture Zones in Pitas, Sungai Telaga and Sungai Padas in Sabah as well as Batang Ai and Tanjung Manis in Sarawak with an allocation of RM252 million.


* Allocation of RM135 million for basic infrastructure to encourage farmers participation in high value agriculture activities including swiftlet nests(燕窩).


* Extension of income tax deduction incentive for investors and income tax exemption for companies undertaking food production activities until 2015.

延長稅務回扣/減稅與投資者及免除所得稅于飲食生産業至2015。鼓勵外資投資與本地市場與發展飲食生産。這也是配合大馬要成爲全球清真食物生産地(Islamic Halal Food Production Hub)的努力之一。

* RM85 million to provide infrastructure facilities to facilitate construction of hotels and resorts in remote areas with the potential to attract tourists.

* RM50 million to construct several shaded walkways in the KLCC-Bukit Bintang vicinity.

旅遊業提升工程,無建議與看法。只是希望能配合到未來捷運計劃並且無需到時再花費重建,或不user friendly而遭旅客或金三角購物客嫌棄且棄置不用。

* Development of world's first integrated eco-nature resort at a cost of RM3 billion by Nexus Karambunai in Sabah to commence next year.謠傳中將興建新賭場的綜合生態旅遊景點,雖然已遭政府宣佈無賭場計劃涵括在内。希望這生態旅遊計劃確實能確保生態不遭受影響,並將破壞減至最低。沙巴的生態環境確實能吸引許多旅客,但是除此計劃外,還需一些景點來配合以加強沙巴的旅遊吸睛力。賭場能吸引的人潮似乎與想接觸大自然的旅客無法相連。

* Abolishing of import duty on 300 goods preferred by tourists and locals, at 5 to 30 per cent, to promote Malaysia as a shopping heaven in Asia.
剔出300項物品5-30%的進口稅務。還是爲了旅遊業。本地内需確實受惠,但是是否真正能受惠呢?通脹能否被壓制?各行各業,那一行最受惠???如果有投資股票,貿易與服務業值得買進。(BJretails, Aeon, Parkson)

* RM119 million for the development of local content creation, hosting local content and unlocking new channels for content.


* Exemption of sales tax on all types of mobile phones.


* RM850 million for infrastructure support to accelerate corridor and regional development.


* RM411 million for research, development and commercialisation activity to be the platform for enhancing value-added activities across economic sectors.4.11億的經費來資助研究與發展及商業化產品。應該是獎掖。如何申請?哪一部門負責?

* Establishment of a Special Innovation Unit (UNIK) under the Prime Minister's Department with an allocation of RM71 million for next year to commercialise R&D findings by universities and research institutions.爲何那麽多部長卻總是要讓首相署部門那麽忙碌呢?可以下放至其他部門嗎?或者成立各部門聯合委員會來執行不行嗎?又是官僚問題作祟。

* RM200 million for the purchase of creative products such as high quality, locally-produced films, dramas and documentaries.

* Rate of service tax to be increased from five to six per cent. 服務稅由5%增至6%,應該會引起通脹吧?這是要提出消費稅(GST)的前奏。因爲消費稅開始將會是在4-5%的範圍,讓人覺得消費稅更適用且繳交的稅務更少。高招!

* Service tax to be imposed on paid television broadcasting services.


* Strengthening the revenue collection system by increasing enforcement and audit as well as coverage on all parties that should be paying taxes.


* Restructuring and strengthening of education and training with the sum of RM29.3 billion allocated for Education Ministry, RM10.2 billion (Higher Education Ministry) and RM627 million (Human Resource Ministry).

* Establishment of Talent Corporation under the Prime Minister''s Office in early 2011 to develop an expert workforce database as well as collaborate closely with talent networks globally.

* For the Ministry of Education, a sum of RM6.4 billion is allocated for Development Expenditure to build and upgrade schools, hostels, facilities and equipment as well as uphold the status of the teaching profession.

* RM213 million is allocated to reward high performance schools as well as for the remuneration of Principals, Head Teachers and Excellent Teachers.

* The Government will increase pre-school enrolment rate to a targeted 72 per cent by end 2011 through additional 1,700 classes, strengthen the curriculum as well as appoint 800 pre-school graduate teachers.

* The Government also allocates RM111 million for PERMATA programme including the construction of the second phase of Sekolah PERMATA Pintar school complex, 32 PERMATA Children Centres (PAPN) and financing operations of 52 completed PAPNs.

* RM250 million allocated for Development Expenditure for religious schools, Chinese-type schools, Tamil national schools, missionary schools and Government-assisted schools nationwide

* Recognising the importance of Islamic education, the Government will provide assistance per capita for primary and secondary rakyat religious schools with an allocation of RM95 million.

* To provide competent and quality teachers and instructors to better guide and educate students, the Government allocates RM576 million in the form of scholarships for those wishing to further their studies.

* RM213 million is allocated to enhance proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia, strengthen the English language as well as streamline the standard curriculum for primary schools.

* The Government will recruit 375 native-speaking teachers including from the United Kingdom and Australia to further enhance teaching of English.

* The number of PhD qualified academic staff will be increased to 75 per cent in research universities and to 60 per cent in other public institutions of higher learning with an allocation of RM20 million.

* Excise duty exemption be increased from 50 per cent to 100 per cent on national vehicles purchased by the disable.

* Existing tax relief of up to a maximum of RM5,000 be extended to cover other expenses such as day care centre, cost incurred to employ caretakers for parents and other daily needs such as diapers


* Stamp duty exemption of 50 per cent be given on loan agreement instruments to finance first-time purchase of houses.

* Full import duty and 50 per cent excise duty exemption was granted to franchise holders of hybrid cars.

* Implementation of 1Malaysia Training Programme by Community Colleges, National Youth Training Institutes, Giat Mara and Industrial Training Institutes to commence in January 2011 with an allocation of RM500 million.

* The establishment of National Wage Consultation Council as the main platform for wage determination.

* The establishment of 1Malaysia Youth Fund with an allocation of RM20 million.

* Monthly allowance for KAFA teachers will be increased to RM800 compared with RM500 currently.

* Increase in monthly allowance for the Chairman of JKKK and JKKP, Tok Batin, Chairman of JKKK Orang Asli and Chairman of Kampung Baru to RM800 compared with RM450 currently.

* Increase in meeting attending allowance to all comittee members from RM30 to RM50.

* Special Financial Assistance amounting to RM500 to be provided to all civil servants from Grade 54 and below, including contract officers and retirees.


* The abolishment of the Competency Level Assessment or PTK to be replaced with a more suitable evaluation system by June 2011.

* Extension of services of Pegawai Khidmat Singkat for an additional period of one year from December 2010.

* Raising the amount of loan from RM10,000 to RM20,000 for additional works on low-cost houses for Support Group Two.

* Raising the maximum loan eligibility to RM450,000 compared with RM360,000 currently, effective January 1, 2011.

* Increasing the rate for Funeral Arrangement Assistance to RM3,000.

* Allowing flexibility to self-determine fully-paid maternity leave not exceeding 90 days from the current 60 days subject to a total of 300 days of maternity leave throughout the tenure of service.


* Introduction of "Skim Rumah Pertamaku" which will provide a guarantee on down payment of 10 per cent for houses below RM220,000 for first-time house buyers.

* To assist estate workers to own low-cost houses through a scheme managed by BSN.


* Construction and repair of 12,000 houses nationwide particularly in Sabah and Sarawak with an allocation of RM300 million.

* Establishment of a "1Malaysia Smart Consumer" portal.

* Introduction of the Distribution of Essential Goods programme to standardise prices across areas.

* Introduction of the Retail Shop Transformation Programme, Automotive Workshop and Community Market projects.

* The launch of a Private Pension Fund in 2011.私人退休基金將于2011推行。是否能由私人界主導?那麽,雇員們的未來將更有保障。退休基金爲了爭取客戶必須提高更高的囘酬率于客戶,而投資在高風險組合投資,間接的提高了雇員們的風險。需要留意更新的進展與法令。

* The launch of Bumiputera Property Trust Foundation with the size of RM1 billion and syariah-compliant.協助土著達到居者有屋,但是會否成爲第二個高教貸學金?有借無還?會否規定購買產業最高價值限定?否則將會助長房地產泡沫化。

* To assist children particularly those from the low-income group to excel academically, the 1MDB will provide multi-vitamins for primary school students.

* Rebate of electricity bill payment for monthly consumption of below RM20 will be continued.

* The toll rates in four highways owned by PLUS Expressway Berhad will not be raised for the next five years effective immediately. EPF與PNB聯合收購南北大道計劃,都是政府的咯,他說不要收費也行咯!但是在其努力推行GLC私人化及推動股市市場價值流量,說要減低政府擁股率現在卻要私有化,這招是否背道而馳呢?

* A review of the current minimum bankruptcy limit of RM30,000.

* The application for Permanent Resident status may be submitted after five years of residence.内政部唯一關係政策。提高國名登記侷的效率。這也間接能協助外國人力資源流入本國的政策,尤其是擕眷移民。是否也能開放工作准証與外籍配偶?

* Providing four buses for Mobile Clinic.

* Formulating a new development model for Orang Asli.

* JHEOA will be restructured and strengthened as Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli。


Read more: Budget 2011 highlights



公共經濟學裏所提倡的公平與效率(equality and efficiency)衡量是最爲重要的,在這財政預算案中,似乎還未達到所謂的各族平等,部分預算案還是依據各族的需要而撥款,尤以教育部最爲嚴重。大馬國民追求的不是各族的平等,而是各階層的平等地位。扶貧政策,不分種族只著重階層差距。效率方面則是撥款用途,大馬各政府部門近年來的稽查報告都不過関,政府部門被儅冤大頭狠狠的砍,卻是人民在買單。


Monday, October 4, 2010


最有價值的投資, The Most Valuable Investment

如何算是有價值的?value-在經濟學裏,價值與價錢(price)是其中一門重要的課。價值就是某東西/服務你認爲值得的,即滿足到你自身最大的欲望與滿足感(satisfaction of utility)。













一個月的工錢(或多過)= 一個結婚戒指
一個結婚戒指 = 一輩子的婚約
一輩子的婚約 = 一輩子的幸福












總結,價值這東西嘛,都是個人的,沒有對比數,也沒有參數~~自己就是衡量點。 所以嘛,以上論述適用于本人自身,不一定適合其它看官。本人對看官任何投資的結果並沒有法律上的責任,盈虧自負。謝謝!呵呵!