Friday, May 15, 2009



现在身在UTHM(敦胡先翁大学)出席Konvensyen Kebangsaan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar 2009(2009年第三届学生代表高峰会)。

主要活动囊括了讲座,下乡服务,paper work呈现;活动的目的是为了让大学生对社会时事、经济、教育等等课题有更多的发表空间及各大专互相交流,集思广益。

博大学生代表理事会由理事会主席(Mohd Syamsul Salleh)率领下共派出了25位学会生代表出席此峰会。华裔学生代表方面共5位(白浩荣,王广欣,蔡振宁,吕羽华,邝志忠)。


Welcome to my blog! warmest welcome to you all!

MPP UPM now are attending a national convetion at UTHM(University Tun Hussein Onn) which situated at Raja Parit, Batu Pahat.

Konvensyen Kebangsaan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar 2009 kali ke-3 will be held from 15/05/2009-20/05/2009. The whole programme will be attend by 20 public university and 3 private government subsidize university.

The programme in convention included paper work presentation, dialogue with minister, forum with university VC or Deputy VC depending on different topics.

MPPUPM is represent by 25 members of MPP lead by MPPUPM president Mohd. Syamsul Salleh.

More updates from the convention soon!

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